If you are attending Middle School or High School, this is for you! IHM is inviting you to join our Youth Group! We get together every Wednesday from 6pm-7pm.
Additional volunteers are needed for this ministry. Bringing Christ to our members that are in facilities or homebound is a blessing for each of them and the Eucharistic Minister as well. Please prayerfully consider some of your time to share in this ministry. Contact Cathy Luebbers (303) 981-4733 for more info.
IHM has begun a new Bible Study on the Gospel of Mark, led by Deacon Leo. Wednesday nights from 6-7pm. We will use a video by Tim Gray and have three resources for you to choose from. Contact Bernadette in the Parish Office between 5:00pm and 7:00pm for more information!
The IHM Parish Library is temporarily suspending regular hours of operation. You can still access it's resources by contacting the IHM staff directly. Scheduled hours will resume in the not-too-distant future. Watch this space. Thank you for your interest and support!
"Mary's Moms" is a group for moms at all stages of parenting. Meetings are the 1st & 3rd Thursdays of each month from 9am to 11am in the IHM Parish Hall. Come meet other moms of faith (and bring your kiddos!) Contact Molly Turro for details; Phone (802) 343-8607 or email molly.turro@gmail.com.