Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish supports Holy Family School by awarding subsidies to qualified parishioners. These subsidies assist families wanting to provide Catholic education for their children who may not have the means to do so. Families receiving a subsidy take an active part in the parish as a sign of their commitment. We pray that this service comes to bear good fruits as we learn and groparishw together! To learn more about our parish subsidy, please contact the Parish Bookkeeper. IHM's parish subsidy application for Holy Family School's 2024-2025 academic year is available at IHM's parish office. Deadline to submit the application is April 30, 2025.
We send out reminders to subsidy families via Flocknote of ministries in need of volunteers for their one-time events. If you have not setup an account with Flocknote, go to . Volunteer opportunities are available through both email and text untilizing the Flocknote app.
Please use the Volunteer Hours Log Form (on the side bar) to log your hours.